Saturday 13 November 2010

Music magazine questionnaire

  1. 1.       How old are you:
    ·         14-17
    ·         18-21
    ·         22-25
    ·         25+

    2.       What is your favourite music magazine and why?

    3.       Would you prefer to buy a magazine:
    ·         Weekly
    ·         Every fortnight
    ·         Monthly

    4.       What makes you buy magazines:
    ·         Competitions
    ·         The image on the cover
    ·         Free stuff
    ·         Gig info
    ·         Interviews

    5.       Where do you buy magazines from:
    ·         Supermarket
    ·         Newsagents

    6.        How much are you willing to pay for a magazine per week?

    7.        Do you subscribe to magazines?

    8.       Which sub genres of rock music are you into?

    9.       What colours do you associate with this genre?

    10.   How do you buy your music:
    ·         Download
    ·         Shops
    ·         Internet (e.g. eBay, Amazon etc...)    

    11.     Who are your top 5 favourite bands/artists?
    12.   How often do you attend gigs?

    13.   How much do you spend on clothing per year?

    14.   Do you buy band merchandise?

    15.   Do you like to dress like bands/artists?

    16.   Do you take part in competitions/giveaways?

    17.   What type of films do you prefer:
    ·         Horror
    ·         Comedy
    ·         Action
    ·         Fantasy
    ·         Other (please state)
    18.   Which social networking sites do you use, if any?
    ·         Facebook
    ·         Twitter
    ·         Myspace
    ·         Bebo
    ·         Other (Please state)
    19.   How much do you spend on albums per week?

    20.   What would you like to see/read in music magazines?

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