Wednesday 5 January 2011

Music magazine double page spread analysis: KERRANG!, NME, Q.

KERRANG! Magazine uses a very simple layout on this double page spread but doesn’t make it boring for the readers. They have used a medium long shot of the band The All-American Rejects who the article is about; it takes up the whole spread and is also used as the background for the spread. The lead singer is in the middle and higher up than the other members which tells us he is the lead singer.  The way they look makes the band come across as relaxed but also serious about their music and what they do. The article is laid out in columns along the bottom; it doesn’t cover the faces of the band members so that the direct eye contact from the image makes it more personal. The text is black on a white background which makes it easy to read; the layout of the columns is quite neat. The headline is on the far left side written vertically in bold white text so it stands out. There is an introduction hinting to what the article is about, written in white text on a black background to catch the readers’ eye. We can tell this double page spread comes from a rock/punk music magazine because of the band in the image; they are mostly wearing red, black and white which are colours usually associated with this genre, so people who like this music will be the target audience for the magazine. KERRANG! have also used these colours on the double page spread so there is a house style for the spread. The article has been designed to look like it’s been written on paper from a note pad as you can see the ripped out part at the bottom, which makes it look more attractive than just plain white boxes. The font used on the page is mostly the same font but different sizes except for the little introduction part which uses a different font; this makes it stand out and catch the readers’ eye, KERRANG! often do this in their magazines. The pull quote is white on black in the middle of the article; it stands out and catches the readers’ attention so they read it and want to read the article because it is personal.

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