Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Music magazine double page spread analysis: KERRANG!, NME, Q.

Q magazine have a very simple layout like the previous two magazines however, it looks like there is more on the Q double page spread than on the other two. Q have used a medium long shot of the artist Lily Allen posing with her hands on her hips to link with the article; it takes up the whole right page of the spread and is part of the background for the rest of the spread. The direct eye contact makes it more personal and so attracts readers’ attention. Like NME, there are no smaller images or text on the image which could link to the headline and that the attention is only on her now. The article is laid out in columns along the bottom of the left page with black text on a grey background which stands out and is easy to read. The small introduction gives information about what’s in the article and invites readers to read it. The headline is a pull quote which makes the reader want to find out more; it takes up a lot of the left page of the spread. Q magazine have made it looks like the letters have been cut out from a newspaper and stuck down which gives the impression of a rebellious person. The large, bold font attracts readers’ attention as it stands out. The headline font and the article font are different which makes the double page spread more interesting but doesn’t look unprofessional. Q magazine have used red, black and white in this double page spread too; I like how they have matched the font colours with the clothes the artist is wearing.

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